I bought the nail picks a long time ago with the intention of doing a construction / Bob the Builder bento.  At the time, he was really into using his little work bench, and we were watching Bob regularly.  Then I saw this bento by JBDoodles, and had a hard time coming up with something that didn’t look like I was stealing her idea!  In the end I decided just to make what I had originally envisioned.  I like my Bob better, but I think her overall bento might be a bit easier on the eye.  None-the-less, Kidlet will love it, I’m sure!


Roast beef and cheddar on whole grain white bread (I love this stuff.  It’s got fiber but is soft and tastes like white bread.  We don’t mind a good multi-grain bread, but I think the white bread makes a better canvas for cheese art ;)). Bob is bologna, cheese with pepperoni hair.  Tools were made from tortillas, crisped in the oven a few minutes, topped with the cheese and returned for another couple minutes to melt.  The saw blade has luster dust on it to give it a metallic sheen, but that didn’t photograph well.  Carrots cut into nut shapes, purple and yellow cauliflower, mixed color pear tomatoes (green and yellow).  Cherry tomatoes and raspberries skewered on nail shaped picks.  The picks were REALLY sharp on the end, so I clipped them with scissors (they are just hard plastic) and then filed them a little.

Time Spent:  it took about 45 minutes last night, but thats because besides bob, I actually made 16 tool crackers (wrenches and drills plus the hammers and saw).  I also I dulled the nail picks. Assembly this morning (including cutting the carrots by hand beacuse I realized at the last minute that I didn’t have a hexagon or octagon shaped cutter.  Boggle) took about 15 minutes.